Rejuvenate your face non-invasively.
Many people notice the effects of aging over time and seek out non-surgical solutions. Dysport is a facial rejuvenation treatment that can smooth wrinkles and address other problem areas without invasive incisions or extended downtime.
- Moderate to severe frown lines between the eyebrows
Safe For
- Most generally healthy clients who are not allergic to any of Dysport’s ingredients, who are not allergic to cow’s milk protein, and who have not had an allergic reaction to any other botulinum toxin product
- Noticeable improvement in the appearance of moderate-to-severe wrinkles and folds within two to three days of treatment
What is Dysport?
Dysport is an injectable that paralyzes certain muscles in the forehead so they can’t move, thus preventing the formation of wrinkles. It is FDA-approved to treat moderate to severe glabellar lines between the eyebrows, also known as frown lines. For many of our Buckhead and Alpharetta clients, Dysport can also soften existing lines over time.
How does Dysport work?
Dysport works much like Botox – by reducing muscle movement so moderate to severe frown lines appear smoother and less noticeable when you make all your usual facial expressions.
Your Buckhead or Alpharetta injector injects Dysport in just five points above and between your eyebrows to temporarily prevent muscle contractions that cause lines.
Treatment takes 10 to 20 minutes and can help you look younger for up to five months. Most of our Buckhead and Alpharetta clients see a noticeable difference in the appearance of forehead lines and frown lines two to three days after receiving their Dysport injections.
Like Botox, Dysport also has a long history of clinical research, including 25 years of experience worldwide and approval in 69 countries.
Benefits of Dysport
- Smooths fine lines and wrinkles
- Drastically reduces the appearance of glabellar lines (sometimes referred to as “11” lines)
- Prevents formation of new wrinkles by temporarily freezing muscles
- Leads to immediate, natural-looking results
- Can be used to treat excess sweating
- Results last up to five months
When will I See results?
Dysport starts working immediately, and the initial results of treatment can be seen within 48 hours of injection. To see the final results of treatment, you’ll need to wait around two weeks. If you think this sounds like a long waiting period, compare this to Botox, which takes around three days to show the initial results of treatment and three weeks to reveal the final results.
However, if you have an important event scheduled in or around the Buckhead or Alpharetta areas for the day after your Dysport treatment, then you’re in luck. You can halve the time it takes to see the initial results of treatment by exercising your facial muscles. If you’re using this treatment for a non-invasive brow lift, raise your eyebrows 40 times. Then, rest for 10 minutes. Complete three sets of eyebrow raises.
If you’re treating deep forehead folds, scowl as hard as you can 40 times in a row. After a 10-minute break, scowl for another 40 times. Rest another 10 minutes and repeat 40 more repetitions to finish your third and final set.
How long is the recovery time?
Most of our Buckhead and Alpharetta clients return to regular activities immediately following their Dysport treatments. Any mild swelling that occurs should not be overly noticeable. Sometimes a bruise occurs because of the needle’s contact with the skin. Our staff provides options after your procedure, including topical treatments, to minimize bruising.
Preparing for your Dysport treatment at our Buckhead or Alpharetta office
We suggest bringing a photo of yourself from two to 10 years ago, especially if you’re a new Dysport client. This will allow us to compare your appearance following your Dysport treatment to a younger version of you.
Avoid alcohol for 48 hours prior to your Dysport treatment at our Buckhead or Alpharetta location, as it can make you more prone to bruising. Additionally, talk to your primary care physician and find out if you should discontinue any medication or supplements that may be associated with bruising – such as aspirin, fish oil, and blood thinners – before treatment.
What to expect during your Dysport treatment
As with any injectable, our Buckhead and Alpharetta Dysport clients receive a numbing cream at the start treatment. With numbing creams, the treatment is virtually painless. You will receive several injections between and above the eyebrows over the course of 20 minutes from start to finish. There is little or no downtime, and most of our Buckhead and Alpharetta clients go right back to work immediately after their Dysport treatments.
Aftercare and side effects of Dysport
After your Dysport treatment session at our Buckhead or Alpharetta office, you are free to return to your typical daily routine. However, to enhance the durability of your results, make sure you are protecting your skin from the sun. To do this, apply a broad-spectrum sunscreen with a sun protection factor of at least 30 every four hours.
You should also avoid applying pressure to the treatment area until the neurotoxin has settled into your muscles fully. For example, you should not massage the treatment area, and you should not sleep on your stomach or side for the first night or two after treatment. Doing so may cause the injections to settle improperly. Finally, try to keep your blood pressure stable by avoiding:
- Alcohol
- Cigarettes
- Excessive heat
- Spicy foods
- Caffeine
- Excessive sodium
In addition, do not exercise or get any massages or facials in the first 24 hours following treatment, and do not to lay down for at least four hours after the treatment, as this, too, can cause improper settling.
The most common side effects are nose and throat irritation, headache, injection site pain, injection site skin reaction, upper respiratory tract infection, eyelid swelling, eyelid drooping, sinus inflammation, and nausea.
Is Dysport Different from Botox?
The two treatments are incredibly similar, as both rely on a type of botulinum type A to work, both last the same amount of time, and both erase pesky wrinkles. There are a few key differences, however.
One is that Dysport and Botox are measured differently, so a forehead that needs 50 units of Dysport might only need 25 units of Botox. Dysport also tends to spread, making it easier to tackle larger surfaces areas (such the forehead) with less neurotoxin.
Dr. Alan N. Larsen
Dr. Alan Larsen is a double board-certified plastic surgeon and a graduate of the University of Nevada School of Medicine. He completed a general surgery residency at the University of Florida, Jacksonville campus, where he advanced to chief resident. Dr. Larsen then began a plastic surgery fellowship at Wake Forest University’s Baptist Hospital, one of the country’s most demanding plastic surgery programs, where he was named chief plastic surgery resident in 1997.
After completing his plastic surgery fellowship, Dr. Larsen trained with some of the most renowned cosmetic surgeons in the country before establishing his cosmetic surgery practice in Buckhead.
One of Dr. Larsen’s greatest passions is downhill skiing. He’s toured internationally at the professional level, competing in both slalom and giant slalom in Europe, Canada, and the United States. At home, his hobbies include reef ecosystems (keeping fancy fish tanks), gardening and photography. He has three sons and two daughters.